Originally posted at CLASH Daily
By sharing the following story in Reno, Nevada, Hillary set herself up to reap what she’s attempting to sow in the worst possible way. Here’s what she said:
One of my favorite political ads of all time was a radio ad in rural Arkansas where the announcer said, “Wouldn’t it be great if somebody running for office said something, we could have an immediate reaction to whether it was true or not. Well, we have trained this dog. Well, the dog, if it is not true, he is going to bark. And the dog was barking on the radio and so people were barking at each other for days after that.”
I want to figure out how we can do that with Republicans. We need to get that dog and follow them around and every time they say these things like, “Oh, the Great Recession was caused by too much regulation, ‘Arh, arh, arh, arh!’”
“I think,” Clinton said, “we could cut right through a lot of their claims.”
First of all, isn’t it “Arf, arf, arf, arf?” Not only that, but she wants to cut through “…a lot of their claims” [emphasis added] with a truth-sniffing dog? How about we use that idea and cut through a lot of Hillary’s claims? After all, when it comes to mendaciousness Hillary Clinton has quite a long resume and is very proficient.
Take for example some of her better-known lies like being shot at by snipers in Bosnia, her email server, everything she’s ever said about Benghazi, and all things concerning Bill.
Now, Hillary is desperately clawing her way to the Democrat nomination. That’s why, the woman who claimed she and Bill left the White House totally broke, has felt it necessary to kick up the practice of prevarication to new heights.
Lately, while out on the stump, Hillary has been claiming that in America black kids are “harassed and humiliated” even shot because of the color of their skin and that in America in fear of being ushered back across the border from whence they’ve come, illegal immigrant families lie awake dreading a middle of the night knocks on door.
Also, without one shred of evidence, Hillary is claiming that LGBT people are fired from their jobs because of “who they are or who they love,” and women, who Hillary herself pays 72 cents to every dollar she pays her male staff, are victims of unequal pay in places other than her employ.
So, let’s just forget about the time Mrs. Clinton said that Chelsea was jogging around the Big Apple during the 9-11 attack, and instead, apply to Hillary’s more recent fits of fibbing her recipe to deal with Republican falsehoods.
Here is how it would go: Republicans get a dog and follow Sir Edmund Hillary’s namesake around and every time she says things like, “90 to 95 percent of my emails were in the State system.” The dog can let loose on a crazy Hillary barking spree.
Hillary claims that no classified information was in her private emails – the trained dog very publicly replies with a raucous Hillary-inspired “Arh, arh, arh, arh!”
Hillary reiterates that she thought the Benghazi attacks really did have something to do with a Youtube video, and the truth detectors issue forth with a stirring “Arh, arh, arh, arh!”
If Hillary Clinton wants to accuse others of lying, and believes she should have the power to set the rules about how those lies should be handled, Americans should accommodate that desire and bark like she taught us every time she speaks.
The post Here’s The Perfect Solution for Hillary’s Lying Problem appeared first on Jeannie-ology.