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Susan Sarandon’s minimum wage example


AP_Susan_Sarandon_Sanders_12x5_1600Originally posted at American Thinker

Sixty-nine-year-old part-time actress, full-time liberal activist, and all around rich Hollywood bigmouth (she’s worth $50 million) Susan Sarandon nearly broke out crying as she introduced a man who demonizes affluent people like herself.

In northern Iowa, on the campaign trail with presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Susan told a town hall crowd of about 1,000 that she was “feeling the Bern” because, unlike Hillary Clinton, who was for the Iraq war before she was against it, and against gay rights before she was for them, Sanders has never vacillated on either topic.

Dressed in a socialist uniform, Susan wore a newsboy hat, boots, and a lumber jacket.  After having manned the phones with Bernie’s doppelgänger, actor/comedian Larry David, at the “Night of Too Many Stars,” Susan prepared for the part to work a Bernie phone bank with scruffy millennials and old hippies, both of whom are eager to “share her wealth.”

Maybe Susan Sarandon doesn’t realize that, despite her proletarian getup, she’s among the “few” in whose hands, Bernie keeps saying, “all of the wealth rests.”

A few years ago, while talking to Oprah about her Catholic upbringing, the parochial schoolgirl said this: “I just didn’t understand why they would put babies in limbo just because they weren’t baptized… Or why they would say every other religion was bad.”

Wait!  Susan Sarandon is worried about unbaptized babies?

Sorry, but one can’t help but wonder where fiercely pro-choice Susan Sarandon believes the aborted babies she marched for the right to kill end up after being scraped out of the womb into a biohazard bag.

Either way, whatever it is Susan believes, the Louise half of Thelma and Louise has decided to exercise her right to choose by ditching girl power.  Why?  Because according to Sarandon, “gender is not what’s important.  Issues are what’s important.”

Criticizing the contender who should be indicted but probably won’t be, Susan said she prefers Sanders because she wants “a candidate who has the courage to stand to do the right thing when it is not popular.”

Not that Bernie does the right thing, either, but on that point, Susan Sarandon is somewhat correct.  Every chance she gets, Hillary escapes doing the right thing.

Speaking of Hillary Clinton, when not wearing fake cankles and accepting a huge salary for doing absolutely nothing, in addition to pacifism and concern for homosexuals, the actress wants someone in office who will solve income inequality.

Clearly, Susan is put off by Hillary’s unwillingness to take on the fight for a $15 minimum wage, saying, “That is not pragmatic; that’s just cynicism.  That’s giving up before you’ve even tried.”

Simply put, for Susan Sarandon, this time around, an old Jewish socialist with egg salad in the corner of his mouth is a better candidate for president than a Methodist grandmother with blood on her hands.

So how about Susan demonstrate her pragmatic lack of cynicism by donating 90% of her $50-million bankroll to Bernie Sanders?  Then, to drive home her staunch support of the Vermont socialist the Hollywood actress could shame Hillary Clinton by requesting a $15-per-hour salary to star in her next movie.

The post Susan Sarandon’s minimum wage example appeared first on Jeannie-ology.

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